Acupuncture in Rhyl

About Us

PhysioNow has extensive experience at implementing Acupuncture successfully to treat clients symptoms over a number of years. Exceptional results in treating all manner of joint and muscular pains, sports injuries, chronic and acute pain.

What is Acupuncture

Acupuncture is derived from ancient Chinese medicine dating back as far back as two thousand years. It has been used extensively in order to reduce pain and symptoms associated with movement dysfunction. Western Acupuncture is the treatment associated with conventional medicine and when we consider its use in a treatment setting administered by a physiotherapist. Of its benefits those associated with modern western Acupuncture implemented are as followed. Acupuncture is proven to reduce muscle soreness and fatigue. Acupuncture is commonly used in the treatment of sports injuries as well as in the prevention. It will reduce chronic pain in a number of areas in the body, and will reduce joint inflammation and stiffness.

What to Expect

Clients may feel some of the following effects post receiving Acupuncture as a treatment. Acute increase in pain: this is usually very short lived and symptoms improve beyond the point at which treatment was administered. Tenderness or bruising may occur. Acupuncture needles may perforate capillaries, this may result in slight bleeding. This is minimal and can happen because of the unique network of capillaries close to the skin surface. Tiredness, light- headedness or an emotional response have been recorded as reactions to Acupuncture. All of these are not guaranteed and may never occur. The benefits hugely outweigh any of these effects!


Mae gan PhysioNow llwyth o brofiad o ddefnyddio Aciwpigedd yn llwyddiannus i drîn pob fâth o gwynion corfforol, unau cyhyrol neu cymalog.

Sylfaen hanesyddol Aciwpigedd yw’r dull feddygol o drîn symptomau corfforol sydd yn gysylltiedig gyda ddiffyg symudiad. Mae’n ymwneud a ddifyg symudiad organol neu cyhyrol.

Aciwpigedd Gorllewinol yw’r ddull o’r ymarfer uchod pan rydym yn ystyried meddiginiaeth fodern. Fel arfer gan Ffisiotherapydd bydd yr Aciwpigedd yn cael eu danfon.

Mae Aciwpigedd wedi eu brofo i lleihau tyndra cyhyrol, poen a cynyddu raddfa gwella.

Caiff Aciwpigedd eu ddefnyddio fel modd triniaeth o fewn sefyllfa chwareuon. Mae’n addas oherwydd bydd lleihâd yn chwydd cymalog a stiffrwydd cyhyrol wrth dderbyn Aciwpigedd.

Mae ambell amod i’w hystyried wrth dderbyn Aciwpigedd gan gynnwys poen, blinder, cynnudd emosiwn a gwaedu.

Mae’r budd yn amlwg!!

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Tel. 07955 080239 or email from our contact page